‘I juggle jobs as glamour model and psychic – I’ve always had the gift’

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EXCLUSIVE: Jessie Jo, 55, from the UK, gained notoriety when she signed up for OnlyFans with her daughter. Now as well as her career in adult entertainment, she has become a psychic medium

An OnlyFans star has an unlikely talent – she’s also a successful psychic.

Jessie Jo, from the UK, reads fortunes alongside her jobs as a glamour model and adult star.

The 55-year-old started the job two years ago – and claims she sometimes sees ᴅᴇᴀᴅ people nowadays.

She told Daily Star in an exclusive chat: “People are like ‘Oh my god, you’re my hero, I’m one of your biggest fans, you’re a porn star, glamour model and now you’re a psychic medium.’

“My friends are always like ‘You’ve got the most exciting jobs in the world.’ I don’t do anything by halves.”

The glamour model said she has had the gift ever since she was a child – but at the time, she didn’t know what it was.

“I always knew that I had something and other females of the family for generations all had something about them, they all had different gifts,” she explained.

“So I started to do meditation and started connecting with spirits. I put it to the test and did about 50 free readings for people.

“I was so precise and accurate and I got that much positive feedback off it so I thought, right, I’ll do it professionally.

“I’ve been doing it just nearly two years now, I still do psychic medium readings, a lot of guidance as well for people. So it’s all about intuition, not Tarot.”

Jessie Jo does her sessions over video, telephone and in-person and she also attends psychic fairs.

While she loves helping people, the job does take a toll on her mentally and physically.

“I see, feel and hear [people on the other side]. So if somebody died of a heart attack, I get pains in my chest. Or if they’ve got cancer of the stomach, I’ll get pain in my stomach,” she shared.

“And I can say to the person ‘I’ve got someone here who pᴀssed with something to do with the stomach.’

“When I describe somebody, I can feel something on my face so I’ll be like, ‘I’ve got something over my face, did they have a beard?’ And they’ll be like, ‘Oh, God, yeah.’

“So I bring forward quite a lot of 100% accurate information on the people.”

These things don’t come to Jessie Jo only through her sessions though – as sometimes she’ll have these visions randomly.

She explained: “I was talking to a lady one day and she was chatting away and I saw another person in her face.

“I had to stop her and describe this lady and then she pulled a picture. It was one of her family that had pᴀssed and I could describe the woman to a tee, even down to the fringe and bob hair.

“The lady I was talking to had long curly hair. She showed me the picture of the woman and it was identical to who I’d seen, it was really weird.”

This work can be incredibly draining, which means Jessie Jo has to regularly cleanse herself and her aura. If she doesn’t, it can result in debilitating migraines.

Jessie Jo told us all of it is worth it though, as she loves being able to bring peace to people’s lives.

She added: “I always have positive feedback and it’s all over my Facebook page as well. My accuracy is uncanny, it’s crazy.”

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