Phwoar! Nude shots of Margot Robbie and Leo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street leaked

There’s been much talk about Aussie starlet Margot Robbie steaming up the big screen in The Wolf of Wall Street as Leonardo DiCaprio‘s feisty on-screen wife — and now here’s proof.



There’s been much talk about Aussie starlet Margot Robbie steaming up the big screen in The Wolf of Wall Street as Leonardo DiCaprio‘s feisty on-screen wife — and now here’s proof.

TheFIX has managed to get our hands on a sneaky glimpse of Margot Robbie in the buff. It’s okay, you can thank us later.The pics are stills from the upcoming movie, which has its Australian premiere on Monday and wider release on Thursday January 23. While it’s a massive Hollywood break for the 23-year-old Queenslander and former Neighbours star, she wasn’t too keen on telling her parents about the finer details of the role.

“I flat out lied to my family for a really long time,” she told Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday. “I said, ‘I don’t care what you hear, there is no nudity. I am not doing any nudity. Ignore everything anyone is saying. There is no nudity.'”

Image: Scope

After rethinking the issue, figuring that eventually “the movie is going to come out and they are going to see that there is nudity”, Margot’s white lie evolved into this hilarious monster: “Well actually there is a body double and they CGI’ed my head onto someone else,”‘ she told her parents. 

Image: Scope

“My family don’t have anything to do with the entertainment industry so they totally bought it and they were like ‘They can do that?!’ And I was like ‘Oh, technology these days… you wouldn’t believe what they do in Hollywood.'”Whoops! We hope your family isn’t reading this now. Sorry Margot.


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